Membre de la SCNAT

La société suisse de cristallographie (SSCr) et sa section de croissance cristalline et des matériaux sert de forum commun pour des cristallographes, des chimistes, des physiciens de la matière condensée et des minéralogistes dans lequel peuvent être échangées les idées scientifiques et interdisciplinaires.en plus

Image : SGK-SSCRen plus

Travel Grants


Our Society is supporting members participating at international conferences, workshops and schools.


Conditions for travel grants for young SSCr members (under 35):

  • Only current members of the SSCr can be supported financially
  • Student members can get up to CHF 500 for a poster presentation and CHF 750 for an oral presentation. Attendance at a workshop or school outside Switzerland, if the programme does not permit participant presentations, can be supported with CHF 500.
  • Postdocs can be supported only for oral presentations with a maximum of CHF 500

Per institute and year, a maximum of two persons can be supported. There exist no strict submission deadlines for travel grant applications, requests will be reviewed upon submission. We do advise you to submit as early as possible in the year, though.

Please submit applications to the president of the society including the following:

  • Conference abstract if applicable, type of presentation/involvement and letter of motivation
  • Letter of support from your supervisor
  • Brief budget of expected costs of attending the meeting
  • Specify the date you first joined the SSCr

A 1-2 page scientific report for the SSCr newsletter is expected within 2 months of the meeting.

Financial support can also be granted to retired SSCr members:

  • Active participation at an event is required: e.g. presentation, lecture, session chair, organizer
  • Young researchers have priority if our budget is limited
  • The grant amount will be decided by the board, depending on the available budget

The board of the SSCr wishes you an exciting year with lots of scientific exchanges around the world!


Dr Paula Abdala
Société suisse de cristallographie (SGK/SSCr)
Laboratory of Energy Science and Engineering
Leonhardstrasse 21 LEE P204
8092 Zurich