Membro della SCNAT

La società svizzera di cristallografia (SSCr) e la sua sezione per la cristallizzazione e la scienza dei materiali è un forum di cristallografi, chimici, fisici dello stato solido e mineralogisti per uno scambio d’idee scientifiche e interdisciplinari.di più

Immagine: SGK-SSCRdi più


SGK 2016
SGK 2016

Five good reasons to become a member of the Swiss Crystallographic Society:

- We welcome researchers, scientists and students from across fields: materials science, life science, enginnering, physics...

- Events organised by the society: meetings, educational seminars

- Recieving information on upcoming meetings and job opportunities

- Determine the future activities of the society

- Travel grants and PhD awards

The annual personal membership dues for the society and section are SFr. 40.- (SFr. 10.- for undergraduate and graduate students).

To register, please fill in the form below.

Do you wish to adhere also to the section "crystal growth and crystal technology" of the Swiss Crystallographic society ?
Do you apply for a full membership (CHF 40 per year) or a Student membership (CHF 10, only available to undergraduate and Ph.D. students)?