Member of SCNAT

The Swiss Society for Crystallography (SSCr) and its section of crystal growth and material research are used as a common forum for crystallographers, chemists, solid-state physicists and mineralogists, in which the scientific and interdisciplinary ideas can be exchanged.more

Image: SGK-SSCRmore

Annual assembly 2023 SGK SSCR


University of Zurich
Irchel campus
Winterthurerstr. 190
8057 Zurich

The 2022 annual meeting of the SGK/SSCr and general assembly took place at the University of Zürick, organized by Bernhard Spingler. The program and abstracts can be found in our Newsletter 110. A workshop about SAXS was organized prior to the meeting at the ETHZ .

The campus of Irchel in Zurick
Image: unknown


Languages: English